Tallulah and her litter were brought to safety after being rescued from the streets. But the ordeals continued when the mother became seriously ill. Luckily, she wasn’t alone anymore. Benefactors took care of her and her babies.

Best Friends Felines ( BFF ), a shelter based in Brisbane ( Australia ), took in a pregnant cat who was about to give birth. The latter, named Tallulah , had major health problems after giving birth. She stayed in a veterinary clinic for several days. Her babies, meanwhile, were in the good hands of Elke .
The latter is a volunteer for the association. She took over when Tallulah could no longer feed her offspring. Indeed, although the cat was able to give birth in the best possible conditions, things subsequently deteriorated.
Serious complications
Tallulah gradually showed worrying symptoms: “ She wasn’t eating as much as she should and wasn’t keeping the babies as clean as she normally did, so we were helping her, ” confided the rescue organization. The feline’s condition quickly worsened, leading her rescuers to hospitalize her.
She suffered from a severe abdominal infection. Surgery was necessary. Tallulah was therefore cared for while her kittens were in Elke ‘s care .
A surrogate mother
The benefactress bottle-fed them every 2.3 hours. She spent sleepless nights meeting their needs. When Tallulah returned, Elke continued to look after the little ones. On the one hand, their mother was no longer producing milk and could no longer feed them, on the other hand, the rescuer was not sure that she would agree to return to her kittens.